Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hickory Dickory Dock

"The nursery rhyme "Hickory Dickory Dock" gets new life as it goes through 12 hours of the day. It begins when a mouse runs down the clock as it strikes 1: "It's time for fun!" As each hour chimes, another creature appears, often completing an action initiated in the previous spread. For instance, a bear stops by the clock, and as the chimes strike 10, it's off to its den. Children turning the page will see only the bear's bum as the creature waddles off stage, while a whole new bit of action, featuring a horse grazing near the clock, takes up most of the spread. The design is spare. The pages are mostly empty, dominated by a traditional grandfather clock and the various romping animals. As the day passes, the sky, which comprises the background, turns from sapphire blue to a star-twinkling gray, decorated with a smiling moon. With a bouncy, easy-to-enjoy text and child-appealing collage-style pictures, this is a book that will work well one-on-one or with groups."
Ilene Cooper ~ Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Author: Keith Baker

  • Literacy Tips: Click here to learn fun games you can play with your child after viewing this story.

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